We planted a church

We planted a church

It’s been over four months since I wrote a new blog post, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you why for almost as long. Here’s the short version: God called us to plant a new church, in the midst of a pandemic. He provided the idea, the structure, the people, and the building. We literally planned none of it. Here’s the slightly longer version: On May 26th I woke up at about 2 a.m., my mind

The first step toward forgiveness and restoration

[The following is an excerpt from my book Forgiven and Restored.] DEAR READER, YOU MAY BE WONDERING what it is that makes me such an expert on forgiveness and restored relationships. Why should you read this book and take my advice? Well, I don’t claim to be an expert by any means, but I do know what it’s like to be in your shoes. I know what it’s like to live with indescribable pain and loss and feel like you

New Romans 8:38 T-shirts now available

New Romans 8:38 T-shirts now available

I’m super excited to announce the launch of Neither Height Nor Depth’s first t-shirt and sweatshirt!! “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39) This is the verse that started it all. Six years ago I began Neither Height

Father, keep me weak

Me kayaking on the Assateague Channel

Recently my husband and I went kayaking in the Assateague Channel, just off of Chincoteague Island, VA — one of my very favorite places in the world. I love kayaking for so many reasons, not the least of which are vantage points like this. But I think what I love most about kayaking is it makes me feel strong. There’s nothing quite like feeling the wind on your face as you slice through the water knowing that it’s your own

Would you say it to her?

Would you say it to her?

Earlier this week I watched a Facebook live address from the Governor of Virginia, as he announced plans to remove statues and symbols of the Confederacy in Virginia’s capital. As I tried to pay attention to what he and the other speakers were saying, I kept getting distracted by the comments. Some were in support of what the Governor was announcing, but many were angry. Angry about his decision, angry about what they believed was misinformation, or historical inaccuracies. But

Asking the hard question: Am I racist?

Asking the hard question: Am I racist?

The headlines the last few weeks make my stomach turn. Another black man — a child of God — senselessly and brutally murdered by the same people sworn to protect him. A woman using her privilege and the unspoken, but loudly observed bias of local law enforcement to try and have a man arrested because she didn’t like that he asked her to follow the rules. And there is more. There is always more. Which is precisely the problem. From

Should Christians be immune to fear?

Should Christians be immune to fear?

I’m afraid. That’s the first time I’ve said it out loud since this all began. As a follower of Jesus, I know I have not been given a Spirit of fear; I claim that! As a mother, I believe it’s my job to create calm and stability for my kids. I’ve been trying to do that. As an employee, I am grateful to still have a job, one that challenges me creatively, one I can do from home. I embrace

Brave enough to ask: Can I pray with you?

praying together

Today my boss offered to pray with me. She knew I was nervous about a big webinar I was about to present to 65 local business leaders and she offered to pray with me. And it’s not what she prayed, or how important this project felt to both of us that matters, it’s that she was brave enough to offer. Because I think so often we don’t. Especially in the workplace. We’re worried about offending others, or making them uncomfortable,

He helped me bake the pies

He helped me bake the pies

I have a hard time asking for help. It’s not that I have some kind of super-hero complex or want to be a martyr. In fact, I really do wish I had more help most of the time. But things tend to fall into one of the following categories: 1. I signed-up to do/make/bring/coordinate/facilitate/write/teach the thing and therefore I feel like it’s my responsibility to follow through. 2. The amount of time it would take to explain how to help