Guest post: On our own

Earlier this month I alluded to new and exciting things coming to Neither Height Nor Depth in 2015. I am super excited to finally reveal one of these to you all! In an effort to offer a wide variety of inspirational content from diverse perspectives, and expand the ministry of NHND I will be inviting a different guest author every month to share some encouragement with my readers. I have some amazingly faithful and talented folks lined up for the next few months and I can’t wait for you to get to know them and their passion for the Lord.
My very first guest author is none other than David “JB” Miller. David is an author and speaker who, among other things, is the founder of Life Letter Ministries. David served in pastoral ministry in the Christian & Missionary Alliance for 22 years and has been active in numerous non-profit ministries and community outreach programs. David’s passion for encouraging others through the word of God is evident in all of his writing and I am so honored to be able to welcome him to the NHND community!
I know you will find this post about surrendering to God and standing tall on the cornerstone of His grace as uplifting as I did!
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
– Matthew 5:3 –
We all have a natural bent to live our lives in a way that covers even a sniff of being flawed and fractured.Instead we are tempted to live in a way that gives off the appearance of “being in gear” or “having it together”.
Weakness, after all, is not being able to stand on your own two feet – and with that level of vulnerability comes the almost sure to be realized social realities of ostracism and judgment. Then we are introduced to a King and a kingdom where the table is completely reset. The very thing we dread and seek to avoid at all cost (if only in appearances) is actually the only path to God’s greatest blessings in our lives.
Jesus foretold of His crucifixion and death by the ruling authorities. Peter naturally responded “Never on my watch!” during his futile attempt to rebuke the Son of God. The Son of God responded by rebuking Peter and the Devil who had lulled him into thinking that “might makes everything right”.
In God’s kingdom, greatness is irreversibly tied to meekness, victory is won through surrender, life is purchased through death.
When Jesus taught “Blessed are the poor . . “, He might as well have proclaimed that anyone who is willing to admit they can never stand on their own two feet, they are the ones who will stand tallest for they will be saved from self and prideful self-reliance.
It is indeed God’s grace that allows seasons to come into our lives where we are virtually forced to admit we can’t stand on our own.
It is that same grace that finds Christ and Christ-followers coming close and reminding us that we no longer have to.
To read more inspirational posts by David “JB” Miller, visit the LifeLetter Cafe or LifeNotes: The Cafe Blog.
Speaking of the term surrender here is a prayer I found that I have used which places me in the correct position when looking to Yah for guidence.
Surrender Prayer
Oh my Adon, my King according to your saying, I, and all that I have, are yours.
Oh YHWH my El, I want to give you my complete surrender to your will.
In my flesh I am so weak but with you in me I can accomplish your will.
By your Grace I desire to do Your will in everything every moment of every day.
Oh my Adon YHWH not a word upon my tongue but for Your glory.
Not a movement of my temper but for Your glory.
Not an affection of love or hate in my heart but for Your glory.
Not an action of one of my members but for Your glory.
Oh my Adon I yield myself in absolute surrender to my Elohim.
Absolute surrender is what my soul yields to You by Your divine grace.
All according to Your blessed will in my life.
Oh my El, I accept Your demands. I am Yours and all that I have.
My desire is to die to myself and be reborn to Your will for me every day.
I give myself absolutely to you YHWH, to Your will, to do only what You want.
Oh my Adon, my King according to your saying, I am yours, and all that I have.
With faith in Yahuah all things become possible according to his will. Keep up the good work in his name.
Beautiful prayer! Thank you for sharing.