We were married five years when I found out my husband had been unfaithful. He had also been hiding an addiction to pornography that he’d secretly struggled with for many years, before we even met, which had led to a night that would change our marriage forever. Although I thought I knew what I would do if ever faced with that situation, the truth is none of us really knows until we are knee deep in the pain and brokenness
Tag: brokenness
Guest post: On our own

Earlier this month I alluded to new and exciting things coming to Neither Height Nor Depth in 2015. I am super excited to finally reveal one of these to you all! In an effort to offer a wide variety of inspirational content from diverse perspectives, and expand the ministry of NHND I will be inviting a different guest author every month to share some encouragement with my readers. I have some amazingly faithful and talented folks lined up for the next