From the time I was a little girl, writing has been more than just a creative outlet, it’s been a way for me to process my thoughts and feelings. Whether it was through short stories, poetry, song lyrics, or just writing in a journal — words helped me deal with overwhelming feelings of fear, hurt, sadness, and anger, as well as express love and joy. In college, I battle with debilitating depression. I had a severe reaction to the Prozac
Tag: depression
Is there a reason for everything?

When I was in college at Appalachian State University, I was super involved with the campus Lutheran Student Association (LSA). It was the first group I joined when I got to school and in many ways the friends I met in that group were a life-line during those four years. They were my people and they helped me get closer to Jesus. I loved being a part of the group and the larger church community that supported them. Each year