Have you ever had one of those weeks, or months, where you keep seeing the same message over, and over again? Usually when that happens to me it’s because God is trying to get a message across. And for the last several weeks it’s been all about a seed. A mustard seed, to be exact. How many of you have seen a mustard seed? It’s pretty small, right? Smaller than a 1 carat diamond, tinier than a grain of rice.
Tag: faith
The work in waiting

Waiting. It seems like a passive activity. I mean the idea of waiting is that you aren’t actually doing anything. The waiting is what happens before or in between action. You wait for the bus. You wait in line at the grocery store. You wait for the microwave to ding. There are rooms built just for waiting and they usually involve magazines and/or TVs to help people sit quietly and…well, wait. But of course assuming that waiting is always easy or comfortable
One year and counting…

One year. A lot can happen in one year. On June 26th, 2014 I took a deep breath and officially launched Neither Height Nor Depth. Not sure at the time what it would turn into, who would read it, or exactly why the Lord was calling me to do this, I took the leap of faith and, wow! What a ride the past 12 months have been. Firstly, I want to thank everyone who took the time to read, comment and
It is well with my soul

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul. Do you know that old hymn “It is well with my soul”? It’s one of my favorites. I love everything about it…the responsiveness and harmonies in the chorus, the building melody, and of course the hope and promise in the lyrics. But most of all I love the story
Why church?

If you haven’t picked up on it by now, this will be the blog post that assures you I fall short in my faithfulness in so many ways! True confession time. Prior to January, if you asked me if I thought that weekly church attendance was critical to my spiritual well-being I would have said “eh, not really.” Big moments of spiritual growth didn’t happen for me on Sunday morning; they happened at retreats, where intense focus, study and community for 48 hours straight set
Small moments, Big impact

Have you ever looked at your life and wondered, “what is my legacy? How am I making a difference in this world?” I think for some people it’s very clear. Pastors, missionaries, humanitarians and aid workers — these people can see how they are influencing lives and doing God’s work on a daily basis. For the rest of us, it may be hard to look at our lives and know how/if we are leaving a mark. Sometimes the way people touch our
Why it hurts whenever I hear the words "if my husband ever cheated on me, I would leave him"

[Author’s note: I am incredibly grateful to my husband for encouraging me to write about and share this very personal part of our story. He believes, as do I, that God has called us to use our past to encourage and give hope to others. For his selflessness and bravery, I love him all the more.] There we are, sitting at a table in a busy restaurant, enjoying a “mom’s night out”. The talk at the table turns to a