It’s been a heck of a week. Complete with a stomach virus, five hours sitting at the ER with my Grandma, parenting challenges, major work deadlines, and an injured husband. By Wednesday afternoon I found myself in the drive-through line at McDonald’s getting ready to drown my sorrows in a quarter pounder with cheese, and having a very real conversation with God while hot tears slid down my face. In the midst of my prayer, I suddenly interrupted my own
Tag: #renewandrestoreretreat
Bold, Brave & Blessed – A free gift for you

Last year I decided to do a 90 day thanks and giving challenge, in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. The day I started this challenge just happened to be the day before my son started a new medication. What followed was four of the hardest parenting weeks I’ve had in a long time. There were many days I faced my own limitations, fear, and anxiety as I struggled to help my son, seek answers, and trust the doctor. I