I’m afraid. That’s the first time I’ve said it out loud since this all began. As a follower of Jesus, I know I have not been given a Spirit of fear; I claim that! As a mother, I believe it’s my job to create calm and stability for my kids. I’ve been trying to do that. As an employee, I am grateful to still have a job, one that challenges me creatively, one I can do from home. I embrace
Tag: scripture
When love leads, truth follows

From the beginning my intent for this blog has been to spread hope, encouragement and love. Because of this, I have purposely chosen not to write about controversial topics. Believe me, it’s not that I don’t have my own opinions about wars and politicians and Duggars and SCOTUSĀ rulings. In many cases I have very strong opinions; but I find that the thing that makes a topic controversial to begin with is its power to divide people, and where there is