One year and counting…

One year.
A lot can happen in one year.
On June 26th, 2014 I took a deep breath and officially launched Neither Height Nor Depth. Not sure at the time what it would turn into, who would read it, or exactly why the Lord was calling me to do this, I took the leap of faith and, wow! What a ride the past 12 months have been.
Firstly, I want to thank everyone who took the time to read, comment and share. To date I’ve had over 5,100 visits to Neither Height Nor Depth, with 613 Facebook followers and 56 people subscribed to receive posts via email. You can imagine my surprise and excitement when I started to find out people other than my mom were reading my blog!
But really, what has meant the most to me are the personal messages. Every time one of you sent me a private email or message, or even stopped me in person to say how something you read touched you. Or how you had “been there, too”. Or even how you were struggling alone to heal a marriage, keep your cool with your kids, forgive a family member, or recover from sexual abuse, and my openness helped you feel less alone…this made all the difference. These notes let me know that God has a plan, and you and I are part of that plan. It reminded me that my writing isn’t really about my words at all, but it’s about His word.
Thank you for that.
I don’t really know what the coming year will bring, except that I plan to keep writing, keep sharing, keep encouraging, and hopefully keep laughing! And maybe sneak in a post or two about Michael W. Smith. Hey, some things never change!
I’m working on planning a women’s retreat in September in Strasburg, VA (more details coming very soon), and still working on that book proposal and trying to own the title of writer. But the rest I will take as it comes, and keep working on giving it up to God and letting Him lead the way.
Thank you for being here for the first year. I hope you will continue on this journey with me.
Lots of love,
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