International Women’s Day: You strike a woman, you strike a rock

Updated March 6, 2020. Originally published August 9, 2014.
Several years ago I was in South Africa on a business trip that happened to coincide with their Women’s Day. The national holiday, which is celebrated each year on August 9th, commemorates the day in 1956 when 20,000 South African women marched to government buildings in Pretoria to protest the inequality of women, including a law that required black women to carry “identity passes”.
The peaceful protest marked a significant milestone in the women’s and race equality movements in South Africa. It’s reported that after marching to the Union Buildings the women sang a song called Wathint` abafazi, Strijdom that includes the line wathint’ abafazi, wathint’ imbokodo, which translates to “you strike a woman, you strike a rock”.
The same strength, resolve, and courage of those women can be seen in women across history and geography.
I think all the way back to 478 B.C. and Queen Esther, who stood up to her King and husband to save her people. I think of Americans Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony who paved the way for women’s rights in the United States in the late 1800’s. I think of women like Manal al-Sharif and Aziza Yousef who are fighting today for women’s rights in Saudi Arabia.
And then…
I think of my daughters.
What will it be like for them to grow up as women in the 21st Century?
Living in a world that is becoming an increasingly global society, where the plight and struggle of women in foreign lands must become the fight and protest of women across the world.
I wonder, will they take for granted the freedoms and equality they have in their land of birth? Or will they read about girls in India being abandoned and neglected, and cry tears for them?
Will they see TV reports about the girls who have been kidnapped from their homes and schools in Nigeria, forced into slavery and marriage, and be incensed?
Will they learn of the girls stolen or bought from their homes in Eastern Europe, Asia, and South America and sold into slavery right here in their own backyard and feel motivated to act?
Will my daughter’s know that they have the power responsibility to fight for women across the world?
How do I raise my girls to understand that there has never been a more opportune, more precise moment than right now to take action and change the future for all women?
To know that when you strike a woman, you strike a rock.
It’s a staggering responsibility, but I’m comforted to know that there are those who have gone before, paving the way. Organizations like Seed Company and their Esther Initiative, empowering women — once without a voice — to share the gospel and teach others of their value, worth, and the love of God.
Or like Fashion and Compassion and Sseko who are creating “pathways out of poverty” for women in underdeveloped and vulnerable countries around the world.
And organizations like Days for Girls ensuring no girl misses school simply because she doesn’t have access to sanitary supplies.
Because, when you strike a woman, you strike a rock.
And I can teach my girls through example.
By shopping from companies that empower women artists and entrepreneurs, I can show them that what we buy and how we spend our money can make a difference in the lives of women around the world.
By supporting women-led and women-supportive organizations like I Support the Girls, Sarah’s Covenant Homes, and Dress For Success I can teach them how one girl with an idea can grow a ministry, and how we all have the opportunity and responsibility to help our sisters. (These are a few we personally support in our house, but gosh there are SO MANY great organizations run by and for women!)
By planning and leading a women’s retreat every year I can show them the importance of self-care and nurturing their relationships with Jesus and with other women.
When I speak of other women I can comment on their strength, their hearts, and their virtue instead of their clothing, their hair, or their size.
When I engage with other women I can treat them as equals, as sisters, and as friends, instead of as competition for men, or jobs, or attention.
I can show my daughters through my words and actions that strength is beautiful, kindness is powerful, and education is the key to unlocking doors.
That they deserve to be cherished and respected by the men in their lives.
And to always remember the One who created them with love, envisioning all they could do and be with His guidance.
Because, when you strike a woman, you strike a rock.
There is more. So much more that can be done — needs to be done — so my girls grow up to be sisters of change.
But this is where I start.
To my daughters, and to all of the beautiful, strong, and smart women in my life and around the world:
Thank you Jelise! Where in Tanzania is your sponsored daughter? We live in Mwanza and know well many of the Compassion groups here! I share your heart for women – mamas of children with albinism. Mamas considered to be a curse, rejected by husbands, families and villages. Mamas whose children have been attacked or killed. Mamas who must hide, struggle to provide. Woman who cannot read. Women who need their loving Father. Thanks for sharing!