Simple truths
A collection of simple truths based on scripture.

The same God who, gave a young boy the strength to kill a giant, gave a reluctant queen the courage to save her people, gave a stuttering shepherd the wisdom to lead a nation, gave an unmarried girl the faith to believe the impossible, will give you the strength, courage, wisdom & faith to get through this.

No mistake too big, no distance too far, no wound too deep for God’s love to eclipse.

For all of the things that we chase after in this world — respect, success, power, independence, accolades, companionship, fame, wealth, beauty — none are so defining, so life-altering, so lasting as kindness and truth.

I cried out, Father, take this hurt and pain from me, it’s more than I can bear! “My child, it’s already done,” he whispered, “I’m just waiting for you to let go.”

Let it start with me. God, let it start with me. Let my words be a light in someone else’s dark day and a reflection of Your love. And let me be just as willing to receive the light when it’s shone into my life.

Nothing from your past, nothing you are going through today, nothing in the future, nothing you have done, nothing that has been done to you, nothing you can imagine. No. Thing. No hurt, no failure, no mistake, no illness, no fear, no person, can separate you from God’s love.

God has given me everything I asked for. He made me a wife, a mother, a ministry leader, led me to a good job, a sound home, and family and friends I adore. But some days it’s hard to remember that. Some days it feels like too much and I am overwhelmed with weariness, fear, and lack of imagination. And yet His promise is that He will provide me with exactly enough to get through each day. No more, and no less. Even the days I don’t want to.

God was with me, even when I didn’t choose to see him. He knew the truth, even when others denied it. He saw my pain even when I tried to hide it. I promise you that he is with you, too. Whether you believe that right now, or not. He is with you. He knows your pain and sees the truth in your heart.

He said, I love you more.

God heals and redeems. He comes to us in our brokenness, our fear, our rock-bottom moments and wraps His arms around us. He picks us up, and heals us with His love and light.

I don’t want to live my life projecting an image of personal strength, accomplishment, and success. I want to live fully exposed in my weakness and faults so that everyone sees just how completely dependent I am on the Father.