“I don’t think she likes me,” my daughter stated matter-of-factly. It was the third time that week she’d made a similar statement, each time about someone different. “Why would you say that?” I asked, yet again. And before she even finished her answer I was formulating my rebuttal. Because for some reason I feel like I have to disagree with my daughter whenever she declares someone doesn’t like her. I have to try to find a reason that person may
Tag: friends
Odd mom out

This week I read an article by actress Mayim Bialik about her reasons for not allowing her sons to have smart phones. Actually the article was more about some interesting research by Devorah Heitner, PhD on the child and adolescent perspective of the world, as seen through the lens of technology and social media. First, let me say this post is not about smart phones or debating how much exposure children should have to technology. Really, there are enough people out there
Finding your tribe – 5 unconventional tips for forming meaningful, lasting friendships

I recall walking into the kitchen and seeing the giant pot simmering on the stove as the hearty aroma filled the house. “Whatcha making?” I asked my step-mom. “It’s chicken soup. My friend Sue is having surgery tomorrow and I wanted to bring her some soup,” she replied. This was a common occurrence in our house. Whether it was making soup, dog-sitting, sharing lawnmowers, an evening out, or simply talking on the phone, I watched how these relationships developed and evolved
Sometimes 470,000 words just aren't enough

I love words. As an avid reader, I love when just the right words are put together to perfectly describe an emotion, place, or situation — putting you right in the midst. I love stretching myself as a writer to try new or unusual words to really paint a unique picture for my reader. But more than that, I respect the power of words. Words can inspire, they can heal, they can uplift and they can make us laugh. They can also
Small moments, Big impact

Have you ever looked at your life and wondered, “what is my legacy? How am I making a difference in this world?” I think for some people it’s very clear. Pastors, missionaries, humanitarians and aid workers — these people can see how they are influencing lives and doing God’s work on a daily basis. For the rest of us, it may be hard to look at our lives and know how/if we are leaving a mark. Sometimes the way people touch our
There's just something really special about Caroline

For most people, referencing home or where they “grew-up” means a house or maybe even a town or neighborhood where they lived as a child. For me, going home to where I “grew-up” means going to an unassuming, but beautiful place hidden in the Blue Ridge Mountains called Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp. I was a camper there for 7 summers when I was a child. I met my dearest friend there; I met the Holy Spirit there. I learned how to paddle a canoe,