I don’t really do resolutions…I tend to be a pretty goal-oriented person to begin with and have no problem setting goals throughout the year. But the last few years I have selected a word or phrase to kind of be my mantra for the year. Something I need to work on or want to strive for. In 2018 it was “Qualified” and I spent the year working to believe that it was God who did the qualifying and whatever He
Tag: goals
Don’t let your dreams breed discontent

Reach for the stars! Hard work and sacrifice pay off! Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality! She believed she could, and so she did! If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it! I think most of us have heard some or all of these motivational phrases during our lives, maybe we’ve even said a few to encourage our friends or children. Maybe we have posters hanging in our office or classroom with these
Are your core values what's driving you?

I clicked the button to confirm my account and the first question popped up: “What are your core values?” And I had to stop and think. I wasn’t expecting such a deep question from an app. I was working in my new goal tracking app, Lifetick, and thinking I would just enter in my goals for 2018 and a set a few deadlines and notifications and be done with it. But before I could do that, this app wanted to
The year of living 40

I’ve never been much into New Year’s resolutions. Maybe it’s because my A-type personality means I’m always looking ahead, making a plan, and setting personal goals, so I don’t feel the need to do it every January 1st. Or maybe it’s because I know that annual resolution to exercise more and eat better will be tossed out the window within 2 weeks. Either way, I did not feel compelled to make a list of resolutions this week just because it’s