I have a problem. Or maybe I should say I have a concern. My concern is the reputation that Christianity and Christians have — from both non-believers and those who have left the church, but still believe in God. Folks, it’s not great. I have been told or read the following statements: “Christians are all just a bunch of hypocrites.” “I believe in God, but not religion. The church just wants to judge everyone.” “I don’t need Christianity, I can
Tag: leaving the church
What you need to know if you’ve been hurt by the church

You went to church seeking hope, support, love, friendship, and truth. Instead you felt like a number, were told lies, saw hateful or scandalous behavior, and felt unwanted and judged. I know how you feel. I’ve been there. Church is supposed to be a place of refuge and encouragement. A gathering place for followers of Christ, people who are called to love like He loved, serve like He served, and speak truth and light into our wounded and broken hearts