It’s been a heck of a week. Complete with a stomach virus, five hours sitting at the ER with my Grandma, parenting challenges, major work deadlines, and an injured husband. By Wednesday afternoon I found myself in the drive-through line at McDonald’s getting ready to drown my sorrows in a quarter pounder with cheese, and having a very real conversation with God while hot tears slid down my face. In the midst of my prayer, I suddenly interrupted my own
Tag: spiritual warfare
What do we say to the parents?

At least 31 killed in weekend mass shootings. That’s what the headline read. I recall a particularly dark night, a little more than a year ago when I held my son, helping him to calm his breathing and slow his tears. I won’t go into details, but suffice to say my son, who has OCD and an anxiety disorder, went to a terrifying place and was almost swallowed up by it. As I whispered words of comfort and Truth in
Finding protection against spiritual warfare

Humbling (verb) – 1. to make meek; ex. to humble one’s heart. 2. to destroy the independence, power or will of. Humbling. That’s the word that sums up the last three weeks of my life. The interesting thing about being humbled is it can be both a positive feeling and an unfavorable one. I’ve had both. God has done some amazingly big things in my life the last few weeks — guiding me through leading my first women’s retreat, my first
Be still and let go of these things

This past Sunday my morning started like many Sunday mornings do for me. The alarm went off and I hit snooze because I was exhausted from the previous day’s activities. After sleeping a good 30 minutes later than I should have, I finally woke up and went to check on the kids. They were leaving right after church to spend a few days with my mom, so they had been given explicit instructions the night before that upon waking they