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Author: Jelise
Building community, one garden at a time

From the age of 9 when I planted a tiny bean in an old milk carton filled with dirt and watched in awe as that green shoot sprouted and grew, I have loved the satisfaction of getting my hands dirty and seeing God’s creation come alive. While I’m not a particularly talented, or even dedicated gardener, over the years I have spent many hours selecting the right plants or seeds, and relished feeling the moist dirt crumble through my fingers
Today is the day

Today’s the big day. It’s the day I’ve been preparing and praying for since I wrote the first words on July 25, 2014. Almost five years to the day and my book Forgiven and Restored is published. It’s real, it’s out there for the world to buy and read. Five years of writing and rejections and praying and giving up and trying again and more rejections and working hard and crying and saying “thank you God”. And then there was
Beauty from the ashes: A look at marriage after infidelity

We were married five years when I found out my husband had been unfaithful. He had also been hiding an addiction to pornography that he’d secretly struggled with for many years, before we even met, which had led to a night that would change our marriage forever. Although I thought I knew what I would do if ever faced with that situation, the truth is none of us really knows until we are knee deep in the pain and brokenness
Not everyone likes me, and that’s OK

“I don’t think she likes me,” my daughter stated matter-of-factly. It was the third time that week she’d made a similar statement, each time about someone different. “Why would you say that?” I asked, yet again. And before she even finished her answer I was formulating my rebuttal. Because for some reason I feel like I have to disagree with my daughter whenever she declares someone doesn’t like her. I have to try to find a reason that person may
Family honors son by giving special needs children adapted toys

When I was a new parent Baby Einstein was just becoming a “thing” and there was a lot of hype around educational and developmental toys. I sought out stores and websites that sold these toys, even if there was a heavty price tag attached to them because I wanted to give my children every opportunity to thrive. But I never stopped to think about the parents whose children weren’t able to play with these toys. Or how difficult and expensive