I’ve never been much into New Year’s resolutions. Maybe it’s because my A-type personality means I’m always looking ahead, making a plan, and setting personal goals, so I don’t feel the need to do it every January 1st. Or maybe it’s because I know that annual resolution to exercise more and eat better will be tossed out the window within 2 weeks. Either way, I did not feel compelled to make a list of resolutions this week just because it’s
Category: Balanced Living
A new definition of success
16 things to give up in 2016

Did you make any new year’s resolutions this year? We’re a little over 1 month into 2016, and according to Statistic Brain Research Institute, 36% of all resolutions have already been ditched. I’m personally not a big fan of new year’s resolutions. In general I find them to be lofty goals, like lose weight or quit smoking, at which you can either succeed or fail, with little room for anything in between. I am, however, in favor of trying to be
Living every day as the Season of Giving

This is my favorite time of year. Truly, I love everything about it — the music, the decorations, the sappy Hallmark movies, the parties, the Christmas pageants, Advent devotionals and calendars, even that stupid adorable elf on the shelf. But perhaps what I love most about Christmas is giving gifts. I love being able to buy or make something that a dear friend or family member has been dreaming of, or perhaps something that will make their life easier, or just bring
Finding your tribe – 5 unconventional tips for forming meaningful, lasting friendships

I recall walking into the kitchen and seeing the giant pot simmering on the stove as the hearty aroma filled the house. “Whatcha making?” I asked my step-mom. “It’s chicken soup. My friend Sue is having surgery tomorrow and I wanted to bring her some soup,” she replied. This was a common occurrence in our house. Whether it was making soup, dog-sitting, sharing lawnmowers, an evening out, or simply talking on the phone, I watched how these relationships developed and evolved
Shutting down and shutting out

I shut the door to my son’s room to muffle the sound of his screaming and crying from the other side, promising me he’d be a good listener if I would just please not send him to bed early. I shut off the light in the kitchen so I wouldn’t have to see the sink full of dirty dishes and the stack of recycling waiting to be taken out. I shut the lid to my laptop, deciding the 65 unread

If you are on any sort of social media platform then you know that this time of year there are lots of “thankfulness challenges” happening. One of the things I love most about having a public holiday that is all about thanks and giving in the U.S. is that it makes most of us stop and count our blessings. While giving thanks and praising the One who made us is something we should do every day, sometimes we need a
The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week that really wasn't

It’s not been a pretty week. In fact it’s been a down-right hairy-warts, black teeth, and yellow eyes kind of ugly. Some of you might not know this, but my day job entails managing a large network of websites for a global IT company. This past weekend we had a major deployment to the site. I’ve been through a number of these in my career and I’m here to tell you managing online systems is not for the faint of heart.
Release to receive 31 day challenge

OK my friends, are you ready to go on a little journey with me? It won’t be easy. We’re going to have to give up some things. But I think the reward will be so worth it. Here’s the deal. I’ve been reading Lysa TerKeurst’s new book The Best Yes, which is all about filtering through the endless demands of life and listening to God in order to discern what to say “yes” to. Last night while reading I had a

This has not been an easy week. In fact, it’s been an up-at-5:30-go-all-day-collapse-into-bed-around-midnight-dog-tired kind of week. The day job has been stressful. The extra-curricular activity shuttling of children started in full-gear. There were spelling tests and math quizzes to help study for, PTO meetings to prepare for, committee meetings to attend, volunteer events to plan, piles of laundry to fold, the suitcase to finish unpacking from that business trip I took 4 weeks ago, etc. It’s Friday night and I’m exhausted.