[The following is an excerpt from my book Forgiven and Restored.] DEAR READER, YOU MAY BE WONDERING what it is that makes me such an expert on forgiveness and restored relationships. Why should you read this book and take my advice? Well, I don’t claim to be an expert by any means, but I do know what it’s like to be in your shoes. I know what it’s like to live with indescribable pain and loss and feel like you
Category: Family
He helped me bake the pies

I have a hard time asking for help. It’s not that I have some kind of super-hero complex or want to be a martyr. In fact, I really do wish I had more help most of the time. But things tend to fall into one of the following categories: 1. I signed-up to do/make/bring/coordinate/facilitate/write/teach the thing and therefore I feel like it’s my responsibility to follow through. 2. The amount of time it would take to explain how to help
Three generations connected by a simple song

My parents passed along a variety of cool and quirky personality traits and interests to me, not the least of which is a love of folk music. Maybe it’s the writer in me, but I’m a sucker for a good story-telling song and an acoustic guitar. I grew up listening to James Taylor, Jim Croche, Simon & Garfunkel, John Denver, and others. I remember that my dad, in particular, was very fond of John Denver. My earliest memories of hearing
This is not who I wanted to be

I tried so hard for so long not to become her. The woman in this picture. My first real job out of college was working in the digital design department of a big name consulting firm. All of my coworkers were so much cooler than me, with their mid-century modern homes, designer clothes, and trendy haircuts. I tried to be like them, but neither my budget or plus-sized frame allowed for it. I was good at my job, though, so
I don’t belong here

When I was 13 years old I was molested by my then-step-father. There are really no words to adequately describe the fear I felt that night. While my short-term memory fails me every day, I can still remember that night in vivid detail. What I remember most are the thoughts going through my head “How do I get out of this? How can I get away without making him angry? I should not be here. I don’t belong here.” Somehow, God
If you’re gonna shout, let love be the cry
Unplanned and perfect

Have I ever told you about my favorite day? Maybe that’s weird to you that I have a favorite day. I don’t know if that’s a normal thing or not. But I do, and you might be surprised to learn that it’s not my wedding day, or any of the days I gave birth to my children (although those days are etched in my memory and tucked in my heart forever). No, my favorite day ever happened on a Tuesday
Not just a wife and mother – a love letter to my family

I never wanted to be known as a wife and mother. I wanted to BE a wife and I wanted to BE a mom, but I didn’t want those to be my defining labels. I guess I was afraid of losing my own identity and that scared me. From a very young age I had this idea that I was meant to be somebody. You know, make a name for myself. Maybe as a famous writer, or high-powered executive, or
Five ways to celebrate Advent as a family
Is there a reason for everything?

When I was in college at Appalachian State University, I was super involved with the campus Lutheran Student Association (LSA). It was the first group I joined when I got to school and in many ways the friends I met in that group were a life-line during those four years. They were my people and they helped me get closer to Jesus. I loved being a part of the group and the larger church community that supported them. Each year