As a mom of three kids, two of whom are twins, one of my biggest challenges is keeping sibling rivalry at bay. I realize that some form of sibling rivalry is inevitable and it’s been happening since the beginning of time (thank you very much, Cain and Abel). My sister and I certainly fought and competed with one another growing up. But I always imagined — before having children – that my kids would love and support one-another, growing-up to
Tag: comparison trap
When marriage feels hard

I recently read an article by Joanna Gaines talking about her marriage to her husband Chip (hosts of the show “Fixer Upper”, among other things). In the article she talked about how she has never wanted to go on a girl’s weekend or spend time away from her husband, how being with him gives her energy and she thrives on their togetherness. I believe she is being sincere when she says that, and Chip and Joanna Gaines are an adorable
Guest post: Hope for the sidetracked heart

I met Joy Williams last year at the She Speaks conference. It was one of those moments that you just know is divine intervention at play. Joy has a heart for encouraging women and an infectious love of the Lord. Her writing is filled with faith, encouragement and practical advice. I love this message she’s written to share with all of you about losing sight of our goals and the person God has called us to be. But it’s a message