Why didn’t you leave? It’s a question that I get asked every now and again –more often than I would like — from people who learn the story of my marriage. My initial reaction is to get defensive, angry even. Especially when the question comes from friends who know my husband and me intimately. But then I think, “maybe they don’t know because my reasons are not the world’s reasons.” So here it is. To set the record straight. To
Tag: divorce
If you’re gonna shout, let love be the cry
The secret to a long and happy marriage

OK, so now that I’ve lured you in with a juicy title I have to come clean. I don’t really believe there is one big, secret formula to a long and happy marriage. It’s way too complex for that, and anyone that tells you differently is trying to sell you something. Besides, I’ve only been married for 14 years. While that may seem like a lifetime in today’s society, it’s by no means my definition of a long marriage. However, I
Why it hurts whenever I hear the words "if my husband ever cheated on me, I would leave him"

[Author’s note: I am incredibly grateful to my husband for encouraging me to write about and share this very personal part of our story. He believes, as do I, that God has called us to use our past to encourage and give hope to others. For his selflessness and bravery, I love him all the more.] There we are, sitting at a table in a busy restaurant, enjoying a “mom’s night out”. The talk at the table turns to a