It’s been over four months since I wrote a new blog post, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you why for almost as long. Here’s the short version: God called us to plant a new church, in the midst of a pandemic. He provided the idea, the structure, the people, and the building. We literally planned none of it. Here’s the slightly longer version: On May 26th I woke up at about 2 a.m., my mind
Tag: God’s calling
Not just a wife and mother – a love letter to my family

I never wanted to be known as a wife and mother. I wanted to BE a wife and I wanted to BE a mom, but I didn’t want those to be my defining labels. I guess I was afraid of losing my own identity and that scared me. From a very young age I had this idea that I was meant to be somebody. You know, make a name for myself. Maybe as a famous writer, or high-powered executive, or
I am qualified

Qualified. This is my word right now. It’s the word I chose to stand under for the whole of 2018. Because the truth is most days I feel pretty unqualified. Unqualified to raise these three humans entrusted to me. Unqualified to lead by example, to teach them how to build a strong marriage rooted in love and honesty and forgiveness; teach them how to put Jesus at the center of their lives. I struggle to claim words like “writer” and
Who am I?

“But Moses said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?’” – Exodus 3:11 This was Moses’s response to God when He called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. It was the first of several creative excuses or arguments as to why he wasn’t qualified, ending with a raw and honest plea for God to pick another…anyone but him. “Pardon your servant Lord, but please send someone else.”
When God creates extraordinary out of the everyday ordinary

Do you ever feel like God is calling you to do extraordinary things, but then you look around and feel like your life is as ordinary as they come? I know I do. And sometimes that call in my heart leads to dissatisfaction in my daily life. I imagine whatever it is God’s calling me for, it can’t possibly look like this. By day, I work in corporate marketing for a big IT company. While it’s mostly been a rewarding