I have a problem. Or maybe I should say I have a concern. My concern is the reputation that Christianity and Christians have — from both non-believers and those who have left the church, but still believe in God. Folks, it’s not great. I have been told or read the following statements: “Christians are all just a bunch of hypocrites.” “I believe in God, but not religion. The church just wants to judge everyone.” “I don’t need Christianity, I can
Tag: truth
When love leads, truth follows

From the beginning my intent for this blog has been to spread hope, encouragement and love. Because of this, I have purposely chosen not to write about controversial topics. Believe me, it’s not that I don’t have my own opinions about wars and politicians and Duggars and SCOTUS rulings. In many cases I have very strong opinions; but I find that the thing that makes a topic controversial to begin with is its power to divide people, and where there is
Speak your truth

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:32 Today I read this blog post by a woman named Laura. It’s her story about finally coming forward and reporting the sexual abuse she suffered as a child at the hands of her grandfather. I cried as I read Laura’s story. I cried as she described wanting to dance on her grandfather’s grave. I cried the moment she and her cousin decided to report
Small moments, Big impact

Have you ever looked at your life and wondered, “what is my legacy? How am I making a difference in this world?” I think for some people it’s very clear. Pastors, missionaries, humanitarians and aid workers — these people can see how they are influencing lives and doing God’s work on a daily basis. For the rest of us, it may be hard to look at our lives and know how/if we are leaving a mark. Sometimes the way people touch our