“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:32 Today I read this blog post by a woman named Laura. It’s her story about finally coming forward and reporting the sexual abuse she suffered as a child at the hands of her grandfather. I cried as I read Laura’s story. I cried as she described wanting to dance on her grandfather’s grave. I cried the moment she and her cousin decided to report
Author: Jelise
Shutting down and shutting out

I shut the door to my son’s room to muffle the sound of his screaming and crying from the other side, promising me he’d be a good listener if I would just please not send him to bed early. I shut off the light in the kitchen so I wouldn’t have to see the sink full of dirty dishes and the stack of recycling waiting to be taken out. I shut the lid to my laptop, deciding the 65 unread
A personal note…

Dear friends, Happy new year! As we enter a new year, I want to take a moment to thank you for supporting this blog and ministry in 2014. I’ve been humbled and encouraged by all God has done through this site in its first six months and I’m very excited to see what He has in store for us in 2015! I know things have been a bit quiet here at Neither Height Nor Depth in the last month; I decided to take
A New Year's Prayer

Beloved Father, Thank you for the many moments of laughter, joy and delight you brought into my life this past year; for time spent with friends, family and all whom I hold dear. Thank you for the challenges and hardships, the sorrow and loss; for it was in those painful times that I was able to remember how you suffered and died on a cross. A new year is upon me and I am filled with great hope and anticipation; wanting nothing more
God calls the broken to be his chosen

It was a bitterly cold Tuesday night when I met Jared. We were both volunteering at the temporary homeless shelter that our town sets up every year from November – March, the coldest months in the Shenandoah Valley. Our church was that week’s location for the shelter and Jared and I introduced ourselves to one another in the kitchen as he brewed pots of steaming coffee and I began to cook enough baked beans to feed a small army. I
Gift well this Christmas

Have you been staring at your Christmas shopping list thinking “I don’t know what to buy Aunt Ida…she is so hard to shop for!” Or, “what in the world do I get Grandpa Joe, he has everything!!” Or maybe you’re just thinking, “if I give my husband one more tie he might divorce me.” In the endless aisles of big box stores selling the same ol’ stuff, why not think outside of the (big) box and give gifts that

If you are on any sort of social media platform then you know that this time of year there are lots of “thankfulness challenges” happening. One of the things I love most about having a public holiday that is all about thanks and giving in the U.S. is that it makes most of us stop and count our blessings. While giving thanks and praising the One who made us is something we should do every day, sometimes we need a
The secret to a long and happy marriage

OK, so now that I’ve lured you in with a juicy title I have to come clean. I don’t really believe there is one big, secret formula to a long and happy marriage. It’s way too complex for that, and anyone that tells you differently is trying to sell you something. Besides, I’ve only been married for 14 years. While that may seem like a lifetime in today’s society, it’s by no means my definition of a long marriage. However, I
Why we do Halloween

As a general rule I have tried to avoid controversial topics on this blog because I want it to be a place of support and encouragement and not division. I find that, in general, we Christians can get too hung up on the little things and let them divide us, instead of coming together as a unified voice for spreading the good news. And I fully believe that the enemy uses our tendency to argue the little points to bring division
Sometimes 470,000 words just aren't enough

I love words. As an avid reader, I love when just the right words are put together to perfectly describe an emotion, place, or situation — putting you right in the midst. I love stretching myself as a writer to try new or unusual words to really paint a unique picture for my reader. But more than that, I respect the power of words. Words can inspire, they can heal, they can uplift and they can make us laugh. They can also